To place an order, explore our website, pick your favorite items, and add them to your cart. Once you're ready, proceed to checkout, provide your shipping and payment details, and confirm your purchase. A confirmation email with your order details will be sent to you shortly.
Once an order is placed, modifications cannot be made. However, you can contact our customer service team immediately to request any changes. If the order has already been processed or shipped, cancellations or modifications will not be possible.
Yes, you need to create an account before making a purchase. Having an account helps you save shipping details, manage your orders, and access your purchase history conveniently.
If you receive an incorrect item, reach out to our customer support within 48 hours. We will arrange a return and promptly send you the correct item to ensure a smooth shopping experience.
We support multiple payment options, including credit/debit cards, PayPal, and UPI transactions for a seamless checkout experience.
Yes, our website is protected with SSL encryption to safeguard your payment details. We adhere to industry security standards to ensure a safe shopping environment.
At this time, only one payment method can be used per order. If you wish to use multiple payment methods, you will need to place separate orders.
Once your payment is processed, you’ll receive an order confirmation email with purchase details. If the transaction fails, you’ll be notified to retry or select an alternative payment method.
Shipping charges depend on your chosen shipping method and location. The exact shipping cost will be displayed during checkout before you complete your order.
If you miss your delivery, reach out to our customer service team for assistance. They will guide you on how to reschedule or collect your package. You can also follow the carrier’s instructions to arrange redelivery or pickup.
If your order hasn’t been processed or shipped yet, you may request a shipping method change. Contact our customer service team to check if modifications can still be made.
To change your shipping address, contact our customer service team immediately. Address updates are only possible if the order hasn’t been processed or shipped yet.